Sunday, July 26, 2009

Run Forrest Run

the birthday girl is signed up and running...the fat guy with brain damage must tell everyone that he did an 8 mile run today outside and decided that 26.2 miles is a very very very very long way - it was reality check today clint and i have a lot more training to do - by the end of this week im going to turn in some ideas for our training tshirt so if anyone has any ideas or suggestions let me know - the other thing i need help with is how to raise money for the two charities - how can we post the addresses on the blog and how can we collect and get it to these charities??? the drain bamage guy needs smart peoples help - lets do this quickly - anyway i think this is a great idea for our family and an even better excuse to get together!!! Much love and pops lets make all remember that when we takes the lead we keeps the lead!

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